I carried all 40 pounds of you for hours at the fair. I took you to the doctor when you were sick. I went to work for you, went to bed late and got up early for you. I spent hours in the bathroom with you, helping you bathe and re-potty training you. I cleaned up accidents. I folded laundry for you; I dropped you off and picked you up from two different daycares. I packed you special lunches; I went grocery shopping for things you will eat. I did paperwork for you. I cried sometimes because I was physically exhausted from taking care of you.
And in a moment of anger and emotion, because I wouldn't let you watch TV, you burst out, "Mom, I don't want to be your daughter anymore". Emphatically. Repeatedly.
I laughed. Because I know that you don't mean that. Because I know that I'll hear that again. Because I love you so much I lay down my life for you every. single. day, whether I feel like it or not.

He gets it. He laughs: "Oh honey. I love you so".
He never changes. He loves me and cares for me every day. He is there on the bad days and good days.
And baby, I'll always be your mom.
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