Saturday, November 22, 2014

That is all.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Hello my friends. It's almost been a month.
I'm still learning the meaning of WE CAN DO HARD THINGS, my current favorite saying. It's echoing in my head with each problem that pops up..
This morning I had to laugh (in my head) because I drove to work singing
1) Pippi Longstocking theme song
2) Oats and Beans and Barley Grow (trust me, you don't want this in your head)
3) Baby Beluga
4) Call Me Maybe (COMPLETE with dramatic hand motions.. "Where ya think ya goin' baybay!)

All upon A's request.
I then successfully dropped A off at her babysitter's. I'm ashamed to say that when I saw the beginnings of tears, I pondered aloud on the possibility of her getting a snack and watching Pippi Longstocking at her babysitter's (unheard of) in order to prevent the fountain. (she hasn't seen this babysitter in a few weeks, and she is unfamiliar with their house).
Whilst driving to work, this amazing hip-hoppy Christian song came on complete with rapping, and I was so enthralled of the truth in the song that I started tearing up while simultaneously thinking that some people would probably make fun of it. Too bad. It's amazing.
So then I got to work and gave a informative speech on emergency contraception and the abortion pill to my two victims, faithful coworkers Charlene and Jeannie who are both moms and very supportive and encouraging and listened to me talk for ELEVEN WHOLE MINUTES (the speech was supposed to be 5-7 minutes).


Because earlier this week after a really hard day I called Lucy sobbing that I really didn't like A right now, and she told me that it was.... NORMAL. She even gave me examples of normal women who had a normal problem of occasionally normally, not liking their normal child.
Because for the first time I am living from paycheck to paycheck and it's really not that bad because I have everything I need and ten times more support than most people do.
Because it cannot ever be overstated that God still loves you through your (REPETITIVE) mistakes, and He is always, always willing to give you opportunities to learn and grow and have more faith that you did last week.
Because I worked hard for my 85% on my History midterm exam and I am darn proud of it!
Because I gave that speech, and I made it through the hard spots!
Because my boss payed for my awesome haircut! (see below)
Because one hard, tired, yucky day at a time I am proving that single moms CAN do school and work!

In Christ Alone!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Facing the Music Clique Just Got Real

I'm an extrovert.
There are a hundred things I would like to do. There are a hundred dreams. The last thing on my list is to be real. The last thing on my list is to sit down and have a heart to heart with God.