At four or five or six every morning, my little monster awakes with a loud cry. I jump out of bed and pull her out of her crib. She wiggles with joy as I lay her down next to me. I feel especially grateful for my queen sized bed.
A's new sleeping position: sprawled out on me, limbs dangling, complete with contented sighing and snuggling deeper down into my tired body. Somehow I find this better than her toes digging into my rib cage in a surprising and painful way.
We fall back to sleep for a few more hours.
You would think that I would do something to change this sleep pattern but I don't do.. anything.
I feel like this is my last chance to hold my little baby girl.
Oh, I know there will be other times. Scraped knees, a crashed bike, the death of a pet, maybe even a bruised heart.
But now, just be my girl.
Unlike most people (and, just like a mom), I see more than her outward appearance: the color of her outrageous curls and her silly, intense faces that people comment on every day.
She's innocent, lovely, and so easily pleased by bugs, grandparents, bubbles, "hoseys" (horses), dogs, and other babies. Life through her eyes is in slow motion, or fast forwarded.
Just be.
Her great-grandparents ask us to stay longer during our weekly visit. A's great grandma recently said, "She's our spark."